Monday, May 29, 2006

Stand Against The Wind...

So living in Chicago, you are accosted by homeless people and needy people multiple times a day. They are sitting on the corner, they are walking down the street with you, they are trying to sell you a self-made newspaper. When you're around this all the time, your heart becomes callous towards them. You're just de-sensitized and that is a horrible thing. I claim to be a Christian- the fundamental tenet of my faith is love which, because of my callous heart, I don't see born out in my life on anything close to a near daily basis. This was a horrible realization for myself for I believe that without love, you have nothing. And so I started thinking, how did I get here? Do I really not care? Could I care again? From these thoughts, this poem was born. Enjoy.

Stand Against the Wind

Oh Lord, thank you for my call

For urging me to stand against the wind

Because I dont know how,

A man could be so callous that he doesnt recognize his kin

And I dont know how,

A man could be so jaded that he cant look past this skin

From where I stand I see,

Humanity stricken, tragedy given, love forsaken,

Now I dont know what its like,

To live in fear or live in silence with this ritual breaking

Awaiting compassions return

Hopefully coming on the next passing wind

So this is my prayer to Thee,

That we are no longer satisfied with complicity

Search our souls, find sincerity,

Do not let the world prostitutionalize me

Abhor the sleeping who dont see,

That in saving one life, you save the entire world manifestly

Cause from every heart you touch,
You hear innocence cry out this, our canticle
That the children are the image of the invisible
That we are all the image of the invisible,
And as sons and heirs of grace,
We cannot allow this, this quiet cull

for those of you out there who listen to Thrice religiously, the last verse is not a copy, I view it more as paying almage cause I love Thrice.

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