Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Silhouettes & Sinews

Silhouettes & Sinews

With these fallen angels in the silhouettes and sinews,
It's hard to know what to choose;
What to believe which are truths,
Where the Divine will use,
A life broken, searching, hoping to be,
Something more than free,
To return to a simple unaffected humanity.
Save me Love, move me close to Thee,
I'm looking to make an escape from me
Before daybreak comes to overtake,
The life I can no longer fake,
Too much at stake to risk the break.
So I hide in the silhouette,
And I pray you'll forget or better yet,
Love me without regret.
Beyond the destruction or dysfunction,
Hidden so deep in my soul,
It sometimes makes it hard to function.
The tragedy is that it's not just me,
This world reflects a fragmented humanity,
Forcing us to redefine the mind,
To redeem a broken design.
Because this is the typical affliction of the distinction,
Hidden beneath the inscription,
The words of the melody of conviction,
The sound that resonates through the town,
A peaceful genocide all around,
Souls falling to the ground,
Despite there not being a single sound -
Only the falling of angels, screaming the whole way down.
But I've seen the glimmer, a shimmer of hope,
Born in the words You spoke,
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
For theirs is the Kingdom,
With their hearts they will create freedom.
Blessed are the meek and the merciful,
Blessed are those that hunger,
That thirst for righteousness,
To walk in uprightness.
Blessed are those who mourn,
Whose hearts know brokenness,
Who choose to love despite all this.
Despite a world they wish to leave behind,
As a distant memory of a season's remind.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For they shall see God within it.
Within a day that is like a disaster,
A moment deficient, a time reminiscent,
With their souls seeing a time so innocent,
Crying out this is Your hope, this is Your kingdom,
Our hearts a reflection, a temple to the resurrection."
We are forgiven, not forgotten.
Because the Word was with God
And the Word was God
And the Word became flesh to manifest,
All God's truth, to be the proof,
In the silhouettes and sinews.
Within the veins of humanity,
To be the Light, to guide the free,
For the Light will be life to humanity.

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